Me in my 2012 Toyota Sienna

About TB

I’ve been a C5-6 quad since 1986 and a disabled driver since 1993. Like many in my position, I started modifying my surroundings and the items I use very early on. I started slowly, wrapping rubber bands around pens and lighters, and progressed to custom handles for cups and phones. In the 90s my father and I developed a geared hub for my manual wheelchair. As I learned more about manufacturing I had more ideas I wanted to explore. In 1998 I enrolled in my first of many CAD classes, and I'm still using it daily today. 

In 2010 I started working with my local mobility equipment dealer, Performance Mobility (now a United Access dealership), to create custom parts for disabled drivers. Since then I have made many parts for numerous drivers. In 2013 I started using a 3-D printer to make certain parts. It is a great tool that allows me to 3-D print custom plastic parts that meet the unique needs of individual users.

In my spare time, I’m usually working on new projects for myself or friends. I was also a 27-year member of a local inventors group. One of the ways I contributed was by helping members create 3-D CAD models, 2-D drawings, and prototypes of their ideas. I made many friends in the group over the years and still work with many of them today. I enjoy seeing people conquer obstacles and succeed at whatever they are doing.