What People Are Saying

I am a C6 quadriplegic with limited use of my hands. Tim Beidler was introduced to me by someone at Performance Mobility now United Access in Portland, Oregon. Boy, am I glad I met him. He help me develop adaptive products for use in my wheelchair van and office.

For my first wheelchair van, he created a holder for my ignition key so I could place the key in the ignition and turn the car on. For my 2nd wheelchair van, he created another holder for a different ignition key but also created toggles which enabled me to open and close the power windows.

For my offices, he created a holder for my door key so I could lock and unlock my office door.

I don't know what I would have done without these adaptive devices. Tim is always more than fair on price and totally willing to work with me on creating a design. I think our collaborations have created some pretty useful adaptations as the mechanic at Performance Mobility was really impressed by what we had been able to create.

I highly recommend Tim for anyone who needs adaptive equipment. Good guy and great service.

Gary R. Johnson
Attorney at Law

I contacted Tim @ TB Designs about modifying a switch handle to work for my quad hands. 

We discussed a few ideas and I sent him the with that needed modification.

Tim sent me pictures of the initial design. After a few more messages back-and-forth, we modify the original design to work a little bit better because of the position of the switch. Tim was very understanding, offering many ideas and different ways to make this work.

He sent me back some pictures of the second prototype after our discussion, and the outcome was extremely perfect !!

He listens to what I needed to make the switch modification.

The end result was a perfectly modified handle that I could easily use!  It makes using the switch very very practical for me!

And to my surprise, Tim sent back  the modified switch with my own monogrammed name on it-:)

Very nice touch 

Oh, and the handled  was even color coordinated to match the original switch

I am a very satisfied customer and will send more things to have Tim modify them for me.  Makes life easier when you’re working with somebody that understands your needs.

Mike Neher